19 year old female carer
Currently Studying
- Bachelor of Teaching (Primary and Secondary)
Australian Catholic University
Residency Status
Police Check
Looking for: Part-time, Casual Babysitting
I am a 19-year-old student who recently moved from Colac to Melbourne to pursue my studies. I am currently enrolled in a Bachelor of Teaching (Primary and Secondary) program because I am deeply passionate about working with children and witnessing their development. I love sports and fitness, as I have always played netball and basketball and enjoy spending time outdoors. Over the past 4 years, I have coached Under 13 div 1 netball, as well as other teams like Under 11s and 9s. Additionally, I frequently babysit my three cousins, who are all boys under the age of 12, particularly during school holidays due to their parents' full-time jobs. With two younger sisters aged 11 and 17, and a younger brother aged 15, looking after them has been a part of my upbringing. My mother, who is a Speech Pathologist and the owner of Talk to Me Allied Health, has also provided me with opportunities to lend a hand in disability kids’ play groups. Ultimately, caring for children is something I have always done and loved doing!
Before School
After School
From 6pm
0-12 months
1-2 years
2-3 years
3-5 years
5+ years
Non smoker
Driver's License
Has Car
COVID Vaccinated
Housework Cleaning
First Aid
Parent References
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